SinMix Producer Pack I 2019 v03Free updates since September 2014Latest...
Producer Pack II 2019_v01Free updates since September 2015!Update:...
This Pack is included in my Producer Pack I. 52 Profiles AMP:Seeking to...
Introducing the Helix® Metal Preset's Pack.Free Update: 12.08.2021...
This Pack is included in my Producer Pack I and Producer Pack II Pack...
This Pack is included in my Producer Pack II 70 Kemper ProfilesUpdate:...
Introducing the Helix® Producer Pack. FW 3.0Free Update [11.07.2021 -...
PACK INCLUDED INTO PRODUCER PACK IIIAMP:Seeking to re-create the sound...
Free Update: 01.08.2018 [7 Profiles from Fractal Axe FXIIXL+]30 Metal...
No supplier
111 IR Mixed Speakers/Dual Mic IR PDF MANUAL Cabinets:Marshall® 1960AV 412 Marshall® MF400 Mode Four 412 MICS:Shure® sm57, beta 57, Heil®PR20, Sennheiser® e906, Sennheiser® md421, Lewitt® 240 pro/440 pure, Audix® I5,Audiotechnica® AT4040, AT AE3000Poweramp:Seymour Duncan Power Stage 170File format:.wav (Wave Audio) 24 bit resolution 48 kHz sample ratesFAS...
84 IR Mixed Speakers/Dual Mic IRCabinets:Hesu® 412 Oversized[V30/Hesu Demon, G12T-75, G12H]Hesu® 212 Modern[V30/Hesu Demon]MICS:Shure® sm57, beta 57, Heil®PR20, Sennheiser® e906, Sennheiser® md421, Lewitt® 240 pro Audix® I5,Audiotechnica® AT4040,Poweramp:Seymour Duncan Power Stage 170File format:.wav (Wave Audio) 24 bit resolution 48 kHz sample ratesFAS...
SinMix Torpedo CabPack v01 [All updates are for Free!]12 Cabinets/7 speakers/4 mics - 57 IR's Mesa©, Marshall©, Bogner©, David Laboga©,Hesu©, EVH©, Diezel©Mics: Shure© sm57, Heil© PR20,Sennheiser© e906, Beyerdynamic© m160 [ribbon mic] wav format 24/96KHz Rock&Metal Manual & Info About Pack Check Free Ubercab 412 IR
Latest Update: 03.06.2021Introducing Pivi5153 Pack for Fractal Axe FXIII FW 16.0 7 presets 4 scenes per preset. 12 Cabinets. Here Free Preset
SinMix EVH 5153 QuadCortex Capture Pack [06.12.2022] Free Captures Search SinMix Here 14 Captures [2 Direct inside] AMP:Seeking to re-create the sound of a EVH® 5150 III 6L6 AmplifierCabinets: Marshall,Mesa,Hesu,David LabogaMics: SM57,HEIL PR20
SinMix Free Metal Pack 32 Metal Kemper ProfilesAMP:Seeking to re-create the sound of a Bugera® 6262 Infinium Amplifier CABINETS:MESA RECTIFIER 2X12 V30DL212FS-PS-PRO / V30 [VINTAGE 30]HB 2x12 [Celestion G12T-75]HESU 2X12 V30MICROPHONES:SHURE SM57HEIL PR-20PROFILES REDEFINED BY:SCHECTER DAMIEN 6 [EMG HZ PICKUP]DROP D TUNNINGD'Addario 12-56BOOSTED BY:MXR...
Pack included also inside Producer Pack IV 04 - DIRECT AMP PROFILES13 - STUDIO PROFILESAMP:Seeking to re-create the sound of a Carvin® Legacy 7 CABINETS!:Mesa® Oversized 4x12 Mesa® Rectifier Horizontal 2x12 Marshall MF400® 4x12 ENGL® 2x12 VH VINTAGE David Laboga® DL212FS-PRO 2x12 Orange®2x12 Friedman EXT 212 David Laboga® 412 [V30]
206 IR Mixed Speakers/Dual Mic IR PDF Manual Cabinets:Mesa® Oversized 412 [70W V30]Mesa® Rectifier 412 [70/60W V30]Mesa® Rectifier 212 140 [70W V30/ G12EVH]Mesa® Rectifier 212 120 [60W V30]Mesa® Stiletto 212 120 [70/60W V30]Speakers: Celestion® Vintage 30 70/60W Celestion® G12EVH 20WFile format:.wav (Wave Audio) 24 bit resolution 48 kHz sample ratesFAS...
SinMix Free Metal Pack 17 Metal Kemper ProfilesAMP:Seeking to re-create the sound of a Bugera® 333XL Infinium Amplifier CABINETS:MESA RECTIFIER 2X12 V30DL212FS-PS-PRO / V30 [CELESTION VINTAGE 30 ]HB 2x12 [Celestion G12T-75]HESU 2X12 V30MICROPHONES:SHURE SM57HEIL PR-20PROFILES REDEFINED BY:SCHECTER DAMIEN 6 DROP D TUNNINGD'Addario 12-56 BOOSTED BY:MXR ZAKK...
SinMix Savage Axe Pack. [28 Presets]Pack also inside Producer Pack for AxeFXII, FXIIXL, FXIIXL+, AX8 format.All Preset exported from Fractal AXE FXIIXL+ as a Bundle Preset (Amp and Cab part in one file).28 Custom IRS, Mesa, Marshall,Zilla,Diezel,Bogner,Engl...
Pack also inside Producer Pack IV04 - DIRECT AMP PROFILES23 - STUDIO PROFILESAMP:Seeking to re-create the sound of a MG® FireBird8 CABINETS:Custom Audio Amplifiers© 4x12 Engl© 2x12 Hesu© 2x12 DL©212 Oversized DL©212 FS-PRO Buzzaro© Custom Mesa© Rectifier Horizontal Bogner© Oversized
SinMix Higain IR Pack [11.12.2023]21 Impulses from my Cabinets Collection.MixReady - Edited by Me for HiGain Guitar Tone.Mics: Mostly 2 mics combination Dynamic Shure SM57 and Audio Technica AT3035 Condenser mic.
PACK INCLUDED INTO PRODUCER PACK III51 Kemper Profiles06 - DIRECT AMP PROFILES45 - STUDIO PROFILESAMP:Seeking to re-create the sound of a MG® RavenCABINETS:Hesu© 2x12 [Hesu Demon/V30]DL©212 Oversized [V30]DL©212 FS-PRO [Greenback/Celestion V30]Buzzaro© Custom [G12EVH/V30]Mesa© Rectifier Horizontal 2x12Laboga© 2x12 Oversized Mesa© Stiletto 2x12 Bogner©...
PACK INCLUDED INTO PRODUCER PACK III 14 Kemper Profiles 04 - DIRECT AMP PROFILES10 - STUDIO PROFILES AMP:Seeking to re-create the sound of a Randall® RG80ES CABINETS:Engl© 2x12 DL©212 Oversized Mesa©212StilettoBuzzaro© Custom Mesa© Rectifier
Pack included also into Producer Pack IV 04 - DIRECT AMP PROFILES90 - STUDIO PROFILESAMP:Seeking to re-create the sound of a H&K® SwitchBlade 9 CABINETS:Mesa® Oversized 4x12 Mesa® Rectifier Horizontal 2x12 Mesa® Stiletto 2x12Marshall MF400® 4x12 Custom Audio Amplifiers® 4x12 ENGL® 2x12 VH VINTAGE David Laboga® DL212FS-PRO 2x12 Orange®2x12 ]Hesu 412
8 Mesa Amps! 8 Full kemper Packs (Studio/Direct/Merged Profiles) AMPS:Seeking to re-create the sound of a: Mesa® Single RectifierMesa® Dual RectifierMesa® Triple RectifierMesa® Roadking Mesa® Triplecrown Boogie® Mark IVBoogie® Mark VBoogie® JP2C16 CABINETS:Mesa, Marshall, Bogner, Diezel, Zilla, Hesu, David Laboga...
Pack Included also inside Producer Pack IV 04 - DIRECT AMP PROFILES06 - STUDIO PROFILES CHECK ALSO MARSHALL AMPS COMBO PACK AMP:Seeking to re-create the sound of a Marshall® JTM60 19774 CABINETS!:Mesa® Oversized 4x12 [Celestion V30]Marshall MF400® 4x12 [Celestion V30/V-Type]Marshall 1960 AV 4x12Orange 212 [V30]
Pack is a Part of Producer Pack IV 3 custom profiles from SinMix: Studio,direct,merged. Tight fast and deep sounding Amp. Perfect sound with EMG Pickups. Unboosted Pure Annihilator Amp sound on my Custom David Laboga 412 cab miced with 2xsm57.
SinMix Line 6 pod Go Preset Pack.Cabinets: Mesa, Marshall, Bogner, Orange, Diezel, Hesu, David Laboga 20 Custom Presets SinMix Custom IR's. Great for Rock and Metal! Here Free Archon Preset
This Pack is included in my Producer Pack I85 Kemper ProfilesAmp:Seeking to re-create the sound of a Bugera® V55HD Amplifier Cabinets: DL212 FS-PRO Creamback 65/V30Mesa Rectifier Horizontal V30Hesu W212WHB 2x12 V30Mesa Stiletto 2x12 V30 MICSShuresm57, HeilPR20/PR30 AT AE3000, MD421, PRA628 BOOSTED BY:Deviltoy Bee TS9/808, MXR©
92 Studio Kemper Profiles Seeking to re-create the sound of a Blackstar® HT100 Metal AmpPack was created in 2016 but never released - Now its Time. 12 Cabinets! Few boost pedals and diff mics speakers! Kill Switch Engage Cover with RAW Profile!
SinMix ToneX RockPack! [26.04.2023] 37 Captures.Amps: Marshall JCM800 Clone, Soldano SLO100 Clone, mesa DR Rev.F 1992, Engl Savage 120 KT88Cabinets: Mesa Oversized 412, Mesa rectifiwer 412, Marshall 1960AV, Marshall MF400Speakers: Celestion V30, Greenback, G12T75, Alnico Cream, WGS Retro 30, Fender Speaker, Celestion Classic LeadMics: Shure sm57,...
SinMix Free Metal Pack 21 Kemper ProfilesAMP:Seeking to re-create the sound of a Alamo® Amp Model 3 Year 1959 AmplifierCabinet:Alamo 1x10 Jensen SpeakerMICROPHONES:SHURE SM57HEIL PR-20,PR-30Oktava MK319PROFILES REDEFINED BY:ESP LTD EC-401VFBOOSTED BY:Deviltoy Bee Overdrive TS9/808
SinMix 5150 MKII QuadCortex Capture Pack [08.02.2023] Free Captures Search SinMix Here 12 Captures [2 Direct inside] AMP:Seeking to re-create the sound of a Peavey® 5150 MKII AmplifierCabinets: Marshall,3 Mesa,Mics: SM57
6 Peavey Amps! 6 Full kemper Packs (Studio/Direct Profiles) AMPS:Seeking to re-create the sound of a: Peavey® 5150 MK1 and MK2Peavey® 6505Peavey® InvectivePeavey® JSXPeavey® Triple XXXEVH® 515316 CABINETS:Mesa, Marshall, Bogner, Diezel, Zilla, Hesu, David Laboga...
57 IR Mixed Speakers/Dual Mic IR PDF Manual Cabinet:Evh® 5150 III 2x12 Straight IVR®Speakers: Celestion® G12H 30WCelestion® 70W Vintage 30MICS:Shure® sm57, beta 57, Heil®PR20, Sennheiser® e906, Sennheiser® md421, Lewitt® 240 pro/440 pure, Audix® I5,AT® AT4040, AT AE3000Poweramp:Seymour Duncan Power Stage 170File format:.wav (Wave Audio) 24 bit...
33 IR Mixed Speakers/Dual Mic IR PDF MANUAL Cabinet:Zilla® Super FatBoy 212Speakers: Celestion® V30, Alnico CreamMICS:Shure® sm57, beta 57, Heil®PR20, Sennheiser® e906, Sennheiser® md421, Lewitt® 240 pro/440 pure, Audix® I5,Audiotechnica® AT4040, AT AE3000Poweramp:Seymour Duncan Power Stage 170File format:.wav (Wave Audio) 24 bit resolution 48 kHz sample...
Pack included also into Producer Pack IV 04 - DIRECT AMP PROFILES17 - STUDIO PROFILESAMP:Seeking to re-create the sound of a Bash® Studio Head8 CABINETS:Custom Audio Amplifiers© Mesa Oversized Engl© 2x12 Hesu© 2x12 DL©212 Oversized DL©212 FS-PRO Buzzaro© Custom Mesa© Rectifier Horizontal Bogner© Oversized Friedman
34 IR Mixed Speakers/Dual Mic IR PDF MANUAL Cabinet:ORANGE® PPC 2x12 Speakers: Fender® SpeakerCelestion® 70W Vintage 30MICS:Shure® sm57, beta 57, Heil®PR20, Sennheiser® e906, Lewitt® 240 pro Audix® I5, Audiotechnica® AT4040, Poweramp:Seymour Duncan Power Stage 170File format:.wav (Wave Audio) 24 bit resolution 48 kHz sample ratesFAS SYX Format
48 IR Mixed Speakers/Dual Mic IR PDF MANUAL Cabinet:Engl® E212VH Pro BKSpeakers: Celestion® V30,, G12EVHMICS:Shure® sm57, beta 57, Heil®PR20, Sennheiser® e906, Sennheiser® md421, Lewitt® 240 pro Audix® I5,Audiotechnica® AT4040,Poweramp:Seymour Duncan Power Stage 170File format:.wav (Wave Audio) 24 bit resolution 48 kHz sample ratesFAS SYX Format
23 Kemper Studio ProfilesSeeking to re-create the sound of a 65Amps® Producer AmpCABINET: 65Amps® 2x12 OpenBack [G12H/Alnico Blue]MICROPHONES:SHURE SM57, e906, Beyerdynamic M160,heil pr20, AT4040, Lewitt 240Pro Pack inside Producer Pack V
8 Marshall Amps! 8 Full kemper Packs (Studio/Direct Profiles) AMPS:Seeking to re-create the sound of a: Marshall® JCM800 2203 2204Marshall® JMPMarshall® JTMMarshall® JVMMarshall® Silver JubileeMarshall® 8100Marshall® 6100Marshall® JCM2000 16 CABINETS:Mesa, Marshall, Bogner, Diezel, Zilla, Hesu, David Laboga...
This Pack is included in my Producer Pack II 20 Kemper Profiles8 DIRECT AMP PROFILES12 STUDIO PROFILESAMP:RAZOR BLACK HAWK 18CABINETS:Mesa Rectifier Horizontal 2x12 [VINTAGE 30 SPEAKERS]David Laboga DL212FS-PRO 2X12 [CREAMBACK 65/CELESTION VINTAGE 30 SPEAKERS]Mesa Stiletto 2x12 [VINTAGE 30 SPEAKERS]Zilla 2x12 V30/G12T75
Pack included also into Producer Pack IV 04 - DIRECT AMP PROFILES13 - STUDIO PROFILESAMP:Seeking to re-create the sound of a AT-100® B527 CABINETS:Mesa® Oversized 4x12 Mesa® Rectifier Horizontal Mesa® Stiletto 2x12 Marshall MF400® 4x12 ENGL® 2x12 VH VINTAGE David Laboga® DL212FS-PRO 2x12 Orange®2x12
This Pack is included in my Producer Pack II14 Rock/Vintage Kemper Profiles4 DIRECT AMP PROFILES10 STUDIO PROFILESAMP:Razor ChampCABINETS:Mesa Rectifier Horizontal 2x12 [V30]David Laboga DL212FS-PRO 2X12 [C65/V30]Mesa Stiletto 2x12 [V30]MICROPHONES:Shure sm57RB1000 - Ribbon Mic
5 Engl Amps! AMPS:Seeking to re-create the sound of a: Engl® Savage 120 KT88Engl® Savage SEEngl® BlackmooreEngl® InvaderEngl® Fireball 16 CABINETS:Mesa, Marshall, Bogner, Diezel, Zilla, Hesu, David Laboga...
4 Diezel Amps! 4 Full kemper Packs (Studio/Direct/Merged Profiles)AMPS:Seeking to re-create the sound of a: Diezel® VH4Diezel® EinsteinDiezel® DmollDiezel® Herbert 16 CABINETS:Mesa, Marshall, Bogner, Diezel, Zilla, Hesu, David Laboga...